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Coffee break in tradition

At home and in cafes, China is waking up and smelling the coffee

Fishing for reliable staff in Gen Y waters

Medical device manufacturer sees big role for younger generation

Existing Beijing home sales exceed 100,000 units

Monday saw the number of existing homes sold in Beijing this year hit 100,257, making 2012 the fourth consecutive year in which more than 100,000 homes have been bought in the capital, according to new data.

Passion for teaching English-style grows in Beijing suburbs

Mike Embley may owe his China experience to a senior teaching colleague at a British grammar school who never came here.

'Tell me your story'

From her perch in the Beijing studios of China Radio International, Julianne "Jules" Page has heard plenty of tales about the lives of foreigners in China.

A teacher more than worth her salt

Her dreadlocks are gone - "I had them forever!" - but you can sense the passion that has always fueled this longtime US activist even over a casual caf breakfast in Beijing. Kesho Scott's eyes gleam bright under her newly close-cropped hair. Between the caf music and the point she's making, this is a teacher who is rarely still.

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