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Styling for success

China is indeed a land of opportunity, as Martha Makuena found out when she opened a hair salon for people of African origin, and she's now more comfortable here than at home.

Yoga goes gaga

Mom-and-baby yoga classes, featuring such poses as 'tickling baby' and 'flying mommy', are taking off in the capital.

Foreigners find a friend in home away from home

Editor's note: After the launch of Beijing's campaign against the illegal entry and employment of foreigners on May 15, China Daily submitted a request to follow exit-entry officers carrying out their duties in areas with a large presence of expatriates. This is the first in a series of stories on the subject.

Bye-bye Beijing, farewell to thee and thanks for the memories

The other day my friends Keiko and Oliver were having a barbecue in the handkerchief-sized courtyard of their siheyuan home, in a hutong off Beijing's Dongzhimennei Dajie.

Conducting musical exchanges

Strolling around the Temple of Heaven with a walking stick in one hand and a camera in the other, Nicholas Platt, 76, doesn't look that much different from the other foreign visitors.

Fashion's her passion

The Victoria Beckham road show stopped off in Beijing earlier this week and predictably caused a stir. The designer, former Spice Girls singer and wife of soccer icon David Beckham, was here to promote her redesign of the Range Rover at Beijing Auto Show and take a look around the capital city.

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