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Senior leader launches high-end auto production base

Senior leader Jia Qinglin has officially launched a high-end production base for Beijing Automotive's Chinese branded automobiles.

Dog whisperer seeks better pet relations

Dennis Schenk's mission in China is to create harmony between people and dogs.

Day at the park can be disco inferno

In a hutong in Gulou, a large crowd of people is congregating, and they have organized themselves into lines. All of a sudden music starts - faintly at first but then it gets louder. The people begin waving their arms in unison; they sway slowly from side to side. It is a dark night and the street is poorly lit, but as I move closer I realize that they are dancing.

Beijing property sales up 25% in Jan-Sept period

Real estate sales in Beijing rose 25.2 percent year on year to 11.5 million square meters in the first three quarters of this year, the municipal bureau of statistics said Friday.

Battle for Beijing 'Ashes' resumes

The Australian and British expatriate communities in Beijing will come together this Sunday at Dulwich College, Shunyi, to bid farewell to the warm months with the annual Great Aussie BBQ and the InvoCare "Ashes" cricket match.

Residency rules get revised

A draft regulation on China's permanent residency permits, which lowers requirements for applicants, is to be issued soon, a senior official with the Ministry of Public Security has said.

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