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Party animal puts down his roots

Few other things get Chino Martinez more animated than his chickens and organic farming.

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Briton's work extends long-time affinity with China.

Temple master

Ignace Lecleir has worked in some of the world's finest dining rooms and knows a special venue when he sees one. So when the Belgian restaurateur was offered the chance to open a gourmet restaurant in a 600-year-old Beijing temple compound - a place once used as a place of study by tutors to the Chinese emperor - he jumped at the chance.

NY foodie cleans his plate on Beijing tour

Editor's note: Harold McGee, the pioneering explorer of the science of food, whose seminal On Food and Cooking back in 1984 changed the way chefs and restaurants approach cooking, had a breakneck tour of restaurants in Beijing earlier this month. The New York Times writer, whose column The Curious Cook examines and debunks myths of the kitchen, took some time after his lecture at the Capital M Literary Festival to talk to China Daily reporter B.W. Liou about his experiences in China's capital.

Capital promotes green employment

The capital will boost employment in the renewable energy sector with policy and financial support to tackle job pressures and improve the city's environment, according to the labor authority.

Australian polishes bike's tarnished luster

When Gao Jun moved to Beijing to attend university in 2006, one of the first things he bought was a secondhand bike.

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