72 charged of child sexual abuse

2011-08-04 06:25:55

Of the 72 charged in the United States, 43 have been arrested in this country and nine abroad.

New US plan to fight violent extremism

2011-08-03 10:46:56

Local communities, not Washington, are best suited to counter violent extremism, according to a new national strategy the Obama administration took more than a year to produce. The strategy pointedly does not focus on threats from Muslim extremism.

Heat claims 12 lives in Dallas

2011-08-03 13:32:23

Twelve people have died from the heat in the US city of Dallas this summer, as a record-breaking heat wave is scorching many US states, officials said Tuesday.

Shot US lawmaker returns to cast vote

2011-08-03 07:53:20

Seven months after she was shot in the head, Representative Gabrielle Giffords returned to the House of Representatives to cast her vote on the historic debt-limit bill.

Obama passes bills to raise US debt ceiling

2011-08-03 07:01:33

US President Barack Obama signs the Budget Control Act of 2011 in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, August 2, 2011. US.

Obama signs debt bill but hardly happy with deal

2011-08-03 08:31:49

President Barack Obama signed emergency debt-limit legislation to avoid an unprecedented national default that he said would have devastated the US economy.

Moody's backs US triple-A rating; outlook negative

2011-08-03 08:26:02

Moody's Investors Service said Tuesday that the United States will retain its triple-A bond rating following passage of legislation to boost the debt ceiling.

US Army general to head Joint Chiefs

2011-08-03 08:49:16

Dempsey, who currently is the Army's chief of staff, will succeed Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, who is due to retire October 1.

Obama signs bill to raise US debt ceiling

2011-08-03 06:29:41

US President Barack Obama Tuesday afternoon signed a bipartisan bill of raising the nation's debt limit into law.

US tribe approves same-sex marriage

2011-08-03 08:23:42

A Native American in Washington state has adopted a law recognizing gay marriage, making it only the second tribe in the country known to do so.

US apprehends White House fence jumper

2011-08-03 08:46:45

The Secret Service has apprehended a man who climbed over the White House fence.

Senate confirms general to head Joint Chiefs

2011-08-03 08:41:57

The Senate has approved President Barack Obama's nomination of Army Gen. Martin Dempsey to be the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.