Obama visits NYC's Ground Zero

2011-05-06 06:51:02

US President Barack Obama planned to honor victims of the Sept 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on Thursday by laying a wreath at the site of the World Trade Center

US insists bin Laden killed during firefight

2011-05-06 08:02:04

US officials sought to keep a lid on growing skepticism over Washington's version of events around Osama bin Laden's death

Obama: Bin Laden sea burial 'respectful'

2011-05-06 06:21:42

US President Barack Obama said US forces were "respectful of the body" of Osama bin Laden when they buried his remains at sea

US lawmakers debate Pakistan aid, conditions

2011-05-05 10:49:56

US lawmakers are debating whether they should attach more strings to the billions of dollars in aid they give Pakistan, or cut Islamabad off after Osama bin Laden was found not far from the capital.

US reaffirms firefight at Bin Laden compound

2011-05-05 10:10:46

US officials reaffirmed on Wednesday that there was a firefight at the compound in Pakistan where Osama bin Laden was killed, despite growing questions about the Obama administration's version of events and revelations the al Qaeda leader was not armed.

US embassy in Slovenia suffers bomb scare hoax

2011-05-05 10:01:49

Slovenia police on Wednesday arrested a 29-year-old man who threw a backpack over the fence of the American embassy situated at Ljubljana city center.

Obama to lay wreath at Ground Zero

2011-05-05 09:20:54

President Barack Obama will participate in a wreath-laying ceremony at Ground Zero and meet with Sept 11 families and first responders when he visits Thursday.

'Wrong to link Geronimo with terror mastermind'

2011-05-05 07:55:52

The top staffer for the Senate Indian Affairs Committee is objecting to the US military's use of the code name "Geronimo" for Osama bin Laden during the raid that killed the al-Qaida leader.

US feared Pakistan might 'alert' bin Laden

2011-05-05 07:55:52

CIA Director Leon Panetta said that officials ruled out informing Islamabad about a planned raid against Osama bin Laden's compound...

Official statement fails to satisfy some

2011-05-05 07:55:52

Almost immediately after the United States said it had killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden in Pakistan, the conspiracy theories started.

Obama's big stick robs Republican trump card

2011-05-05 07:55:52

US President Barack Obama's use of big stick power to eliminate Osama bin Laden may deprive Republicans of one of their most trusty political tactics

Obama won't release bin Laden photos

2011-05-05 04:22:17

Obama fears the release of the photos could create national security risks for the US.
Why the US had it wrong about hideout
US lawmakers debate Pakistan aid
Obama poll numbers up
SEALs thought bin Laden threatening