WikiLeaks suspect arrives at new jail

2011-04-21 12:35:05

The Army private suspected of illegally passing US govt secrets to WikiLeaks was transferred Wednesday to an Army prison in Kansas from the Marine brig in Virginia

Obama off to 'friend' Facebook in person

2011-04-21 12:28:22

President Barack Obama likely has a few more "friends" after a town hall at Facebook headquarters Wednesday, but the real winner may be the medium of social networking itself.

Gulf gets taste of recovery one year after spill

2011-04-21 10:31:21

A year after the worst US offshore oil spill swamped the Gulf coast with petroleum and misery, officials on Wednesday declared the hard-hit region reborn.

Apple crushes forecasts again, iPad backlogged

2011-04-21 10:08:38

Apple Inc's results smashed Wall Street's expectations after iPhone and Mac sales scaled new heights while iPad supplies could not keep up with roaring global demand.

US implements new terror alert system

2011-04-21 08:48:52

The US Department of Homeland Security on Wednesday announced the implementation of a new terror alert system to replace the current color-coded one.

Obama and Cameron to press harder on Gaddafi

2011-04-21 08:42:02

US President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron held a phone conversation on Wednesday, discussing increasing military, diplomatic and economic pressure on Libya.

Rushdie picks books for posh Big Apple hotel

2011-04-21 07:57:45

Novelist selected American literary classics to place in guests' rooms

US remains big player in Latin America

2011-04-21 07:57:45

US remains the region's largest trade partner and investment source, a Chinese think tank report said.

NY taxi drivers use vests for safety

2011-04-21 07:57:45

New York City livery cab drivers, often called to crime-ridden neighborhoods that yellow taxis tend to ignore, are being armed with bulletproof vests

Texas wildfires force evacuations

2011-04-20 22:54:56

Firefighters in Texas were battling several massive blazes across the state Wednesday

CIA declassifies WWI-era secret documents

2011-04-20 22:34:34

The CIA lifted the lid on one corner of the cloak and dagger world of World War I, declassifying six of the oldest secret documents in the US government archives

US unveils new terrorism alerts, scraps colors

2011-04-20 22:14:00

The Obama administration unveiled a new warning system to alert Americans about specific terrorism threats