First US face transplant patient makes debut

2011-05-10 10:09:31

The recipient of the first facial transplant in the United States made his public debut on Monday, saying he will go home to Texas soon to be with his young daughter who told him his new face was handsome.

US says no apology for killing bin Laden

2011-05-10 07:55:06

White House spokesman Jay Carney said on Monday that the United States would not apologize for its unilateral action in Pakistan last week that killed al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

Jewish paper sorry for altering photo

2011-05-10 09:02:29

An Jewish newspaper apologized for deleting Hillary Rodham Clinton from a photo of President Barack Obama and his staff monitoring the raid by Navy SEALs that killed Osama bin Laden.

US wants access to bin Laden widows

2011-05-09 06:48:25

The United States wants access to Osama bin Laden's three widows and any intelligence material its commandos left behind at the al-Qaida leader's compound

New military satellite launched into space

2011-05-08 20:08:29

The spacecraft will provide missile warning, missile defense, battlefield reconnaissance and technical intelligence for the United States and its allies.

Apple usurps Google as world's most valuable brand

2011-05-09 09:50:21

Apple has overtaken Google as the world's most valuable brand, ending a four-year reign by the Internet search leader, according to a new study by global brands agency Millward Brown.

Japan, US plan nuclear waste storage in Mongolia

2011-05-09 10:55:36

Japan and the United States plan to jointly build a spent nuclear fuel storage facility in Mongolia to serve customers of their nuclear plant exporters

Commodities' drop curbs risk appetite

2011-05-09 10:33:52

US stock investors head into this week with added worries about the sustainability of the recent rally and a desire to reduce risk

NY lawmakers eye bin Laden bounty for 9/11 victims

2011-05-09 10:24:03

Two congressmen from New York City say that up to $50 million in Osama bin Laden bounty money should go to first responders, survivors and families of victims of the September 11 attacks.

Obama says lost no sleep over death of bin Laden

2011-05-09 08:37:58

Anyone who questions whether the United States should have killed Osama bin Laden needs to have their head examined, President Barack Obama said in remarks broadcast on Sunday.

Obama pivots from bin Laden's death to economy

2011-05-07 20:16:46

Obama turned on from national elation over the killing of bin Laden to face the threat that high gasoline prices and unemployment pose to his re-election hopes.

Japan, US give up on 2014 airbase relocation target

2011-05-07 13:18:03

Japan and the United States have given up on a plan to relocate by 2014 an American airbase on the southern island of Okinawa.