Texas Governor Perry to run for US president

2011-08-12 07:13:20

Texas Governor Rick Perry, a staunch conservative with a Washington outsider's resume, will seek the 2012 Republican nomination for US president.

Obama honors soldiers killed in Afghanistan

2011-08-11 09:23:35

Obama on Tuesday participated in a ceremony, honoring Navy SEALs and other servicemembers died in a helicopter shot down in Afghanistan

WH rejects claim about bin Laden raid film

2011-08-11 09:07:34

The film, focusing on one of President Barack Obama's key successes in office, is due to be released in October 2012

NY schools to make sex education mandatory

2011-08-11 15:29:02

NY City public schools will teach mandatory sex education classes to all middle- and high school students, part of a citywide initiative to help reduce teenage pregnancies

Cleveland Volcano in low-level eruption

2011-08-11 08:31:40

Cleveland Volcano has been in low-level eruption since the end of July, the Alaska Volcano Observatory said.

Music stars campaign to end hunger crisis in Africa

2011-08-11 07:49:10

NEW YORK - A global social media campaign featuring a Bob Marley song was launched by some of the music industry's top stars on Tuesday to help stem the hunger crisis that is increasing in the Horn of Africa.

US starts anti-Gadhafi offensive in Africa

2011-08-11 07:49:10

US diplomats are visiting several African countries as part of efforts to urge leaders to press Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi to leave power immediately

US federal deficit hits $1.1tr so far

2011-08-11 06:45:59

The federal deficit of the US recorded $1.1 trillion in the first ten months of fiscal year 2010-2011

Few Armenians support early elections

2011-08-10 22:29:19

Most Armenians are opposed to early parliamentary or presidential elections, a new poll said Wednesday.

US says kills Taliban who shot down US chopper

2011-08-10 22:06:42

Coalition forces in Afghanistan have killed the Taliban militants responsible for shooting down a US helicopter last weekend

Obama calls US triple-A nation despite downgrade

2011-08-09 10:37:59

President Barack Obama on Monday essentially dismissed the first-ever downgrade of the U.S. credit rating, trying to reassure investors and the public that the nation's leaders need only show more "common sense and compromise" to tame a staggering accumulation of debt.

Remains of troops shrouded in secrecy

2011-08-10 09:09:06

The bodies of troops killed in the deadliest incident of the Afghan war came home Tuesday, traveling in death much the same way they did in life, shrouded in secrecy.