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Court hears debate over subway death

A controversial case of a young man who died in Beijing's subway three years ago was heard in court on Monday, but the result is still unknown.

Tougher supervision recommended for city's security guards

Beijing's growing army of security guards needs greater supervision to reduce the number of crimes and conflicts guards commit or initiate, prosecutors say.

Former premier launches 3rd book

Former premier Zhu Rongji unveiled his third book on Monday.

State Council gives approval to tough air emissions plan

China's environment watchdog recently issued its most comprehensive and toughest plan to control and in some regions reduce air pollution by the year 2017, setting stricter limits on the levels of PM 2.5 particles.

Beijing weighs individual care

Beijing is working on guidelines to help communities provide individual care for people suffering from mental health issues, said a health official.

Rules covering immigration agencies need clarity

Private agencies that help foreigners with their visa problems should be given clearer parameters.

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