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Plans to curb sandstorms in Beijing and Tianjin

The central government plans to strengthen efforts to control sandstorms and prevent environmental degradation in Beijing and Tianjin in the coming decade, according to a State Council statement on Wednesday.

Baoding upgrading industry to combat pollution

A city in Hebei province is closing traditional industries and seeking to attract more environmentally friendly industries, taking advantage of coordination in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

Hebei establishes tourism Union along Beijing-HK-Macao railway

Hebei province plans to set up a union in Shijiazhuang, its capital, on Dec 23, to promote tourism and resource development in five provinces and 31 cities along the Beijing-Hongkong-Macao high-speed railway line.

Beijing and Tianjin to tackle heavy pollution

Beijing and Tianjin have drawn up an emergency plan to tackle heavy pollution, under an agreement signed by authorities in the two municipalities on Sunday.

Organization launched to curb air pollution

The China Clean Air City Network was launched in Beijing on Saturday, in an attempt to learn from each other’s experiences and better curb the air pollution across the nation.

Xi calls for integrated north China development

Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for integrated and coordinated development of the region around Beijing.

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