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Taxis to fare well after price change

Beijing will adjust taxis' fare system as part of a series of measures to ease the difficulty of hailing a taxi in the capital, the city's top transport official has announced.

3rd annual reading season starts in Beijing

The 3rd Beijing Reading Season, held by 17 institutions including Beijing's municipal Party committee propaganda department and Beijing's press and publication bureau, started on Friday, advocating a social trend of reading more good books.

Official expelled from Party for sex scandal

A government official from Wenzhou, Zhejiang province, was expelled from the Communist Party for using the services of prostitutes during a visit to Beijing.

Court division for minors

Beijing High People's Court set up an adjudication division on Thursday especially to deal with cases involving minors.

Media training center opens

A national media training center opened in the capital on Thursday to help government officials and entrepreneurs hone their abilities to communicate with the media and public.

Police explain new visa rules

Police officers explained the latest exit-and-entry regulation to foreigners at an event on Thursday, aiming to provide the expatriates with better service and to reduce misunderstandings about procedures.

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