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Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei hit hardest by pollution

Air pollution, including high ozone levels, is most severe in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province, according to a report released by the Environmental Protection Ministry.

Transfer of industry urged from Beijing to Tianjin

Legislators in both Beijing and Tianjin have called upon governments to transfer some industries from the overloaded capital to the nearby port city.

Hebei port ready to cooperate with Beijing and Tianjin

The port at Caofeidian, which serves the city of Tangshan, Hebei province is set to become an important economic partner of the municipalities of Beijing and Tianjin in the future, by using its resource advantages, a district leader has reported.

More water for Beijing, Tianjin

Up to 9.5 billion cubic meters of clean water will be supplied to 19 large and medium-sized cities in arid North China every year through the South-to-North Water Diversion Project's middle route from next year, authorities said.

Plan envisions economic hub on Bohai Bay

The central government is considering plans to upgrade regional cooperation between Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province to build a trilateral economic sphere in the Bohai Bay area.

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