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Beijing plans 12.2% boost in military spending

The Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday China's defense budget increase is "necessary" and "moderate" as the country faces mounting security pressures and its military is in a critical time of reform.

Key CPC meeting to deepen reform

The 18th CPC Central Committee will convene its third plenum on November 9-12 to discuss major economic and social issues concerning comprehensive reform.

Former railways official pleads guilty

A former high-ranking official in China's high-speed railway system pleaded guilty.

Ex-railway deputy chief pleads guilty

A former senior railway official who was charged with taking bribes of more than 24 million yuan ($3.9 million) pleaded guilty in court on Wednesday.

Traffic jams delay former railway official's trial

The trial of a former railway official was delayed on Wednesday morning due to heavy traffic congestion in Beijing.

Lawyers hired by Bo himself: court spokesman

The two lawyers defending Bo Xilai were hired by Bo himself, said a spokesman for the court handling Bo's case on Saturday.

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