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Building a beautiful Hebei

In a Hebei government work to the provincial People’s Congress, Zhang Qingwei, the governor, said that Hebei needs to make full use of its tourism resources, improve its tourism infrastructure, build better travel routes and scenic spots, and promote the “Honest and beautiful Hebei” brand.

Green goals set for Beijing and nearby areas

The capital and surrounding areas will be given specific requirements by the environmental authorities to reduce the presence of PM2.5.

New high-speed rail links Tianjin, Qinhuangdao

A high-speed railway connecting Tianjin municipality and a port city in Hebei province started trial operations on Sunday.

Hebei to help Beijing fight sandstorms

Hebei province will plant more than 100 million trees in areas around the capital this year to keep it from being hit by sandstorms, the provincial forestry bureau said.

Hebei, Renmin Univ to work on development

A new cooperation between Hebei government and a top university was promoted on Saturday, aimed at improving the province’s development, especially regional development and environment protection.

Hebei looks to tap into success of neighbors

Hebei is now looking to benefit from the development of Beijing and Tianjin with a new round of reforms and opening-up.

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