Inspiring News

Couple finds ring in dog's stomach

[2012-01-06 10:55]

A couple has found a suspect in the disappearance of their wedding ring — their 10-month old basset hound.

Reunion with biological child 77 yrs later

[2012-01-03 19:34]

For most of her 100 years, Minka Disbrow tried to find out what became of the precious baby girl she gave up for adoption after being raped as a teen. She hoped, but never imagined, she'd see her Betty Jane again.

Woman finds ring after 16 yrs, on a carrot

[2012-01-02 14:44]

A Swedish woman who lost her wedding ring 16 years ago was flabbergasted when she found it again, around a carrot growing in her garden.

Obama takes dog Bo shopping

[2011-12-23 14:50]

With his wife and daughters already in Hawaii for the holidays, Obama did some Christmas Shopping.

Mystery buyer acquires web

[2011-12-23 14:47]

An unknown buyer snapped up the internet address combining its name with an extension for porn content.

Cleaner plays Popeye for 30 yrs

[2011-12-16 09:45]

William Chavarriaga, 49-year-old cleaner at the Olaya Herrera Airport, poses as a cartoon character "Popeye the Sailor" during an interview with local media in Medellin Jan 17, 2011.

Man arrested for hiring wedding strippers

[2011-12-14 13:26]

Chinese police have arrested a man who hired two strippers to perform at his son's wedding after the performance was mobbed by villagers, a newspaper reported on Wednesday.

AIDS group seeks vote on condoms in porn

[2011-12-08 10:10]

Voters in Los Angeles could soon be asked to decide whether condoms should be required in adult films.

App helps viewers shop while watching TV

[2011-12-08 09:51]

Looking for the dress you saw on a hit television show? An iPad app aims to help viewers shop while watching TV.

Disarmed grenades found in luggage

[2011-12-08 09:55]

Authorities at Newark Liberty Airport in New Jersey discovered five disarmed grenades in the luggage of a woman seeking to board a flight to Belgium.

Aussie given lashes for blasphemy

[2011-12-07 19:26]

An Australian man has been sentenced to 500 lashes and a year in prison in Saudi Arabia for breaking the country's strict blasphemy laws during a Haj pilgrimage last month.

Men keep moustaches for charity

[2011-12-01 09:39]

Thousands of normally clean-shaven men across the world have been embracing the lost art of moustaches this month.

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