Inspiring News

Ex-soldiers get 6,060 yrs over massacre

[2011-08-03 11:41]

Guatemala on Tuesday sentenced four soldiers to 6,060 years of prison each, in the first conviction for a massacre during the country's brutal 36-year civil war.

300 kilograms of coins trouble car deal

[2011-08-03 11:38]

Wang, who is a flour wholesaler, uses a van to transport the seven sacks of coins to buy a car but he cannot drive it home until all the 300-km coins are counted.

Drunk man lets 8-yr-old son drive pickup

[2011-08-02 15:59]

A US drunk father allegedly allowed his 8 year-old son to drive a pick-up truck on a highway while he slept, until patrol officers pulled over the boy.

Wild boars invade farms, attack pets

[2011-07-30 19:08]

Wild boars are invading the farms of central New York state, attacking livestock, killing family pets and chasing people, experts warned on Friday.

Bride discovers groom is a woman

[2011-07-28 13:40]

An Indonesian family stopped a wedding after discovering the groom was a woman, only for an ex-boyfriend to save their blushes by stepping in to marry the bride.

Goldfish survive 134 days without food

[2011-07-27 14:38]

The fish spent four and a half months - 134 days - trapped in their tank in the city's off-limits downtown without anyone to feed them or even any electricity to power their tank filter before they were discovered this month and rescued.

Mystery prisoner has authorities stumped

[2011-07-27 11:24]

A mystery man arrested on minor charges more than three weeks ago remains behind bars in Utah while law enforcement officials try to determine his true identity, which he refuses to reveal.

Russia's love affair with dill

[2011-07-27 11:13]

Sprinkled on almost every dish to combat sweating: the herb dill is a matter of Russian national pride.

India tiger hunting Rolls may fetch $1m

[2011-07-27 11:08]

A rare Rolls Royce Phantom modified for tiger hunting by an Indian maharaja during the days of the British Raj put under the hammer may fetch up to $1 million.

Half of men would dump overweight partner

[2011-07-27 06:34]

Men are more concerned with their partner's body type than women but they also seem to value family more highly, according to a new survey released on Tuesday.

SAfrican man wakes in morgue fridge

[2011-07-26 09:19]

A South African man awoke to find himself in a morgue fridge _ nearly a day after his family thought he had died, a health official said.

Malta finally allows divorce following vote

[2011-07-26 08:47]

Maltese will no longer have to travel abroad to divorce, following Monday's overwhelming vote in favor of finally allowing couples to end their marriages at home.

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