Inspiring News

Man leaves $1m at Sydney restaurant

[2011-11-22 20:06]

Police are looking for the owner of a suitcase "full of money" that was left at the Italian restaurant in Sydney by a mystery customer.

Court upholds fine against nude hiker

[2011-11-21 11:01]

Hikers crossing the Alps in the nude may get more than just a chill after Switzerland's top court ruled they may be fined, validating a conservative region's bid to quash the practice.

Want weird weather? Come to Oklahoma!

[2011-11-14 10:53]

After one of the strangest local weather days in memory, an Oklahoma woman with a sense of humor asked on Twitter earlier this week.

Jets grounded for Korea college exam

[2011-11-14 10:50]

Jets will be grounded across South Korea and anxious parents will pray while their children take annual exams that could lead them to one of the country's top universities and eventually a good job for life.

Stolen wedding album returned 17 yrs later

[2011-11-14 10:23]

A wedding album which went missing when a caravan was stolen in Northern Ireland 17 years ago has mysteriously reappeared at the home of its owners.

Strapped county sacks Santa to save $660

[2011-11-09 14:36]

Faced with the difficult task of balancing a budget in austere times, officials in New York's Suffolk County said they had to sack Santa Claus.

Top Paris store drops carols for rock n roll X-mas

[2011-11-14 10:59]

Live rock and roll is replacing recorded Christmas carols in the windows of Galeries Lafayette as the Parisian department store seeks to drum up curiosity, and client numbers, for this year's gift-buying season.

Devil found in detail of Giotto fresco

[2011-11-09 14:20]

Art restorers have discovered the figure of a devil hidden in the clouds of one of the most famous frescos by Giotto in the Basilica of St Francis in Assisi.

Russian man kept 29 dead bodies at home

[2011-11-09 14:14]

Russia's Interior Ministry says police have arrested a man who kept 29 mummified bodies at his apartment and dressed them up like dolls.

NY man drops 198 lbs since Jan

[2011-11-09 14:09]

When Jay Wornick's wife said they both should lose some weight as a New Year's resolution, he took up the challenge.

'Wife-sharing' haunts Indian villages

[2011-10-27 17:38]

When Munni arrived in this fertile, sugarcane-growing region of north India as a young bride years ago, little did she imagine she would be forced into having sex and bearing children with her husband's two brothers who had failed to find wives.

Shark kills American off Australian coast:police

[2011-10-22 18:10]

A shark killed an American out diving off a popular Australian tourist island on Saturday, in the third fatal shark attack off the country's west coast in two months, police said.

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