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Australian leader should not pander to anti-China bias

[2017-12-05 21:00]

Turnbull should not have bought into this media orchestrated falsehood. And it is wrong for him to engineer his country's policies based on the Australian media's bias against China. The unjustified finger-pointing at China only hurts Australia’s ties with its biggest trading partner.

Senior citizen picks through garbage piles to support family

[2017-12-05 20:51]

Civil affairs authorities in Chengdu, Southwest China's Sichuan province, have pledged to help an elderly woman who supports her family by selling useful material she collects from garbage piles.

Safety inspectors to go undercover at Chinese factories

[2017-12-05 20:30]

Work safety inspectors are to be sent undercover at production bases nationwide this month as part of strict measures to expose hazards.

Ex-addict in Chengdu says HIV mix up ruined his life

[2017-12-05 20:24]

A former heroin addict has accused the center for disease control in Chengdu, Sichuan province, of wrongly diagnosing him as HIV positive, has reported.

Winter swims offer chance for frozen fun in Harbin

[2017-12-05 20:24]

The temperature dropped as low as -20 C recently in Harbin, capital of Northeast China's Heilongjiang province. However, the extreme cold and strong wind on the frozen Songhua River couldn't stop the enthusiasm of a group of winter swimming enthusiasts.

Belt and Road Initiative to help countries achieve UN goals: official

[2017-12-05 20:16]

The China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative will assist partner countries to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a United Nations official said on Sunday.

Underwater robots to monitor Sanya marine ranching

[2017-12-05 20:02]

Underwater robots will be used to monitor and safeguard marine ranching around Wuzhizhou Island, a 5A tourist resort in Sanya, said Yang Xiaohai, general manager of the tourism company on Tuesday at an international meeting on local government partnerships in environmental management for the seas of East Asia held in Sanya.

Cold air to keep smog at bay for 10 days

[2017-12-05 19:32]

Weather experts have forecast mostly blue skies in northern and central China over the next 10 days, as cold air continues to bring strong winds.

China moves to secure natural gas supply amid rising winter demand

[2017-12-05 19:32]

China's top economic planner has coordinated major natural gas suppliers to secure supply and stabilize prices to cope with rising demand in northern China.

Belt and Road a 'great opportunity': Uzbek official

[2017-12-05 19:31]

Uzbekistan, a country in the center of the ancient Silk Road, is actively cooperating with China under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative, said Khatamjon Ketmonov, the president of one of the largest parties in the Central Asian country.

Shanghai eateries closed over shoddy breakfast food

[2017-12-05 19:28]

A Shanghai watchdog has found 10 restaurants selling substandard youtiao, fried dough sticks usually eaten for breakfast, according to

Xi asks China, Canada to work for substantial ties

[2017-12-05 19:20]

President Xi Jinping said Tuesday China and Canada should explore new ideas and take active measures to achieve more substantial progress in bilateral ties.

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