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China Daily Website

Metro Beijing

  • Focus put on preventing IPR violations

    2011-03-01 07:31

    Prosecutors covering Zhongguancun, the so-called Silicon Valley of China, are to switch tactics against intellectual property rights infringements from punishment to prevention.

  • City made into no-fly zone

    2011-03-01 07:31

    The skies above Beijing are to be made a no-fly zone as the city prepares to host meetings of the nation's highest bodies.

  • Making the cut for dragon's day

    2011-02-28 07:46

    As the legendary dragon prepares to raise its head, Beijing hair salons are being bombarded with bookings by citizens searching for good luck.

  • Beijing to control traffic flow during meeting

    2011-02-27 07:41

    Traffic authorities in Beijing said Saturday that temporary restriction measures would soon be imposed on vehicles with out-of-town licenses, as the city ramped up preparations for the upcoming top legislative meeting in March.

  • Broke gamblers snatched child for cash

    2011-02-24 07:54

    Two desperate gamblers who turned to child trafficking after losing all their money were among a gang of seven who appeared at Haidian district court on Wednesday.

  • Prosecutors target data thieves

    2011-02-23 07:47

    Four to face trial for trading personal details; telecoms staff leaks blamed

  • Parents foot extra pre-school fees

    2011-02-22 07:56

    Private kindergartens will increase fees for meals and transport by as much as 50 percent this semester, parents have discovered.

  • List aims to reverse drivers' bad habits

    2011-02-21 07:37

    A new ploy by transport chiefs to tame Beijing's unruly road users may be too soft to curb the behavior of most motorists, experts told METRO on Sunday.

  • All children to get free health check-ups

    2011-02-18 15:10

    Children who do not have a Beijing hukou, residency permit, will receive free physical examinations throughout 2011, said Mao Yu, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau.

  • History behind the tradition

    2011-02-17 08:20

    The act of solving lantern riddles dates back more than 2,000 years, chiefly as a pleasure for the educated classes. Wang Qian, a riddle master, said the hobby reached its peak in the Song Dynasty (960-1279) when people from all walks of life took part, mostly during Lantern Festival.

  • Time for traditional treats

    2011-02-17 08:20

    Lantern Festival is one of the many traditional Spring Festival customs that has to do with eating.

  • Capsule inventor unveils studio design

    2011-02-17 08:20

    Huang Rixin, the 80-year-old inventor, has unveiled the designs for his fifth generation of capsule apartments for young migrant workers.

Hot Topics
Geng Jiasheng, 54, a national master technician in the manufacturing industry, is busy working on improvements for a new removable environmental protection toilet, a project he has been devoted to since last year.