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China Daily Website

Metro Beijing

  • Workers dismantle controversial building

    2011-08-24 07:53

    Workers began tearing down a building constructed by the Benshan Media Group in the compound at Liulaogen Guild Hall on Tuesday, following accusations it has damaged the integrity of the historical site.

  • Villagers now warming to sustainable forestry

    2011-08-24 08:29

    53-year-old Liu Xiuying is looking forward to an easier winter this year thanks to a grant that helped improve the energy efficiency of her rural suburban home.

  • Subsidies to disadvantaged college students

    2011-08-19 08:39

    To help rural youngsters hampered by financial difficulties, Tsinghua University assigned staff members to collect information on potential university students through the media and the Internet.

  • Change in rules to help children return to class

    2011-08-19 08:24

    Public schools are opening their doors to thousands of pupils left stranded by the latest campaign to close unsafe and unlicensed classrooms.

  • 4 missing after helicopter falls into reservoir

    2011-08-17 13:54

    One person was rescued and four are still missing after a police helicopter fell into the Miyun Reservoir while returning from a rescue training drill in the mountains of Beijing's Miyun county Wednesday morning.

  • Beijing's stranded students still wait

    2011-08-17 08:23

    The 1,400 pupils of Hongxing Zidi Primary School in Beijing have been struggling to find a classroom to take them in since bulldozers tore down their old one on Aug 9.

  • Public gets peek at spending

    2011-08-16 08:20

    Beijing municipal government departments published details of their spending on overseas trips, official vehicles and receptions online on Monday.

  • Govt fosters female power

    2011-08-15 08:27

    The number of women in authority will be boosted over the next five years as part of package of measures to improve gender equality in the capital.

  • Beijing to upgrade more public restrooms

    2011-08-12 20:20

    Authorities in Beijing will earmark 10 million yuan ($1.56 million) this year to renovate 62 public restrooms in tourist attractions, a tourism official said Friday.

  • Disappearing snacks bid to get on hit list

    2011-08-12 08:10

    Traditional Beijing snacks are expected to be included on the city's intangible cultural heritage list as part of its bid to better protect and promote the disappearing ancient delicacies.

  • Not a green and fair way to use water resources

    2011-08-10 08:25

    Golf courses have been reported using ground water to irrigate their greens every day, arousing further concerns about the city's water resources.

  • Official health experts named to prevent cons

    2011-08-10 08:23

    The Beijing Health Bureau lists team of 251 recommended specialists to provide genuine medical advice to the public.

Hot Topics
Geng Jiasheng, 54, a national master technician in the manufacturing industry, is busy working on improvements for a new removable environmental protection toilet, a project he has been devoted to since last year.