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China Daily Website

Metro Beijing

  • Authorities quiet about car restrictions report

    2011-06-29 08:21

    The capital's restriction of car purchases has been a controversial subject since it was introduced in January. Now, concern about the impact of the policy on the auto industry has prompted the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) to send a report to the State Council, asking for the end of car purchase limits in Beijing, the National Business Daily reported on Friday.

  • Downpour in Beijing causes flight delays

    2011-06-24 07:44

    The heaviest rainstorm this summer pounded the capital city on Thursday afternoon, causing flight delays and cancellations not only in Beijing but nationwide.

  • Foreigners top drug traffickers

    2011-06-23 07:54

    BEIJING - More than 95 percent of the 98 drug smuggling cases heard at the second branch of the Beijing Municipal People's Procuratorate since 2008 involved foreign defendants, an official of the municipal prosecuting authority said on Wednesday.

  • A clean record mandatory for project bidders

    2011-06-23 07:54

    Beijing - Bidders for public procurement and construction projects in the capital's Chaoyang district must have no record of involvement in bribery to win contracts.

  • Beijing's second airport to be ready by 2017

    2011-06-22 09:09

    A new airport in the capital city, which will handle soaring passenger traffic in and out of the booming metropolis, is expected to be completed by October 2017, an airline source told the Beijing News.

  • Beijing considers easing hukou rules

    2011-06-22 09:02

    Officials will explore additional ways for talented people from outside the capital to acquire the city's hukou (permanent residency permit), as long as the applicants accumulate enough grading points, according to a proposal passed on Monday by the city's political advisers.

  • Capital considers easing hukou rules

    2011-06-22 08:16

    Officials will explore additional ways for talented people from outside the capital to acquire the city's hukou (permanent residency permit), as long as the applicants accumulate enough grading points, according to a proposal passed on Monday by the city's political advisers.

  • Breach of privacy as students' details for sale online

    2011-06-21 07:53

    Private information about elementary and secondary school students and their families is for sale online, which legal experts say constitutes an invasion of privacy.

  • Five suspected over data leaks

    2011-06-21 07:45

    A Beijing procurator confirmed on Monday that five people are under judicial investigation for leaking key economic data before its official release.

  • Volunteers to set up nation's first dog rescue team

    2011-06-20 08:02

    Beijing - The first civil search and rescue dog unit in China is to be launched by Beijing Blue Sky Voluntary Rescue Team, a nonprofit grassroots group under the China Emergency Rescue Alliance.

  • Price rise plan for peak hour

    2011-06-20 08:02

    Proposal aims to cut unnecessary subway trips at busiest times

  • Hukou limit on new graduates to direct talent

    2011-06-17 07:36

    BEIJING - In a move to relieve the city's population pressure, Beijing will introduce stricter restrictions on hukou, the permanent residency permit, for college graduates this year, a senior official said.

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Geng Jiasheng, 54, a national master technician in the manufacturing industry, is busy working on improvements for a new removable environmental protection toilet, a project he has been devoted to since last year.