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Beijing rugby team faces penalty for match-throwing

The Beijing women's rugby sevens team could be stripped of the silver medals they won at the National Games for match-throwing pending an investigation.

World-class partners bring NBA global games to fans

NBA China announced Thursday at an event in Beijing that it has teamed up with world-class marketing and promotional partners to bring NBA Global Games 2013 in Beijing and Shanghai to fans across China.

Thrown match casts shadow on rugby

The ugly side of sports reared its head at China's National Games and tarnished the emerging appeal of rugby sevens in the country, experts said.

Beijing rugby team faces penalty for match-throwing

The Beijing women's rugby sevens team could be stripped of the silver medals they won at the National Games for match-throwing pending an investigation.

Beijing rugby team throws final game

The Beijing women's rugby team threw its match with Shandong on Tuesday, losing 71-0 at the 12th National Games in Shenyang.

Dwight Howard, Kai Ko promote fitness in Beijing

The NBA superstar teamed up with Kai Ko, a Taiwan actor, and Wu Jingyu, a taekwondo Olympic gold medalist, in Beijing for an Adidas fitness campaign on Sunday night.

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