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Yao looks foward to a new dawn

BEIJING - Basketball great Yao Ming summed up 2011 with the simple word "release".

Chandler too tough for host to deal with

BEIJING - Even the scoreboard operator had seen enough of Wilson Chandler.

Beijing not ducking for cover after third straight loss

BEIJING - Their losing streak is still alive. Their previously untouched home-court advantage is dead.

Cycling: a way to make a contribution and help the environment

Government officials in Yanqing county have been getting on the bandwagon and trying to boost their county's image as a cycling center.

County wants to brand itself nationwide

Yanqing County, just outside Beijing, is on the edge of the Great Wall and considered by cycling fans to be a great place to pursue their sport.

US-style sports camp takes it to the extreme

The US sports camp company, Camp Woodward, will open its first residential camp in Beijing in June.

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