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China vows to increase sports facilities

China has vowed to increase the nation's expanse of public sporting areas to 1.5 square meters per head of population by 2015.

Bird's Nest ready for snowboarding event

The 2012 Oakley Shaun White Air & Style Beijing event, attracting world's top 24 snowboarders, will open at the Bird's Nest on Dec 8.

If the shoe doesn't fit ...

CBA players are continuing to complain about the mandatory call to wear the league's partner's sneakers and being fined for violations.

A slow start for Ducks' new guy

Li Gen was the only unhappy man in the Beijing Ducks' locker room on Saturday night.

Good luck getting a ticket

You might have to spend double or triple the face-value for a scalped ticket to Saturday's CBA tip-off game, but it could well be worth the price.

Big bucks start to flow into CBA coffers

The clubs' share of the CBA's financial pie is about to get much bigger.

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