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Samaranch Foundation launched in Beijing

foundation named after late International Olympic Committee President Juan Antonio Samaranch was officially launched in Beijing on Friday.

Beijing Sixes ready to bowl off

One of the biggest events on the Beijing expatriates' sporting calendar, the Beijing Cricket Sixes, will swing into action for its fourth straight year at Dulwich College on Friday.

Marbury launches program

The season's over, but Stephon Marbury is still busy.

Marbury refuels in New York

When the Beijing Ducks won their first-ever Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) championship title last month, star player Stephon Marbury was visibly emotional.

Forgotten man unforgettable

Stephon Marbury is the hero, but Randolph Morris is more than a sidekick.

Fairy tale season gets happy ending

It was the most fitting of ends.

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