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Photo special: Technology 2012

2012-12-25 16:46

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Photo special: Technology 2012

Thrill-seeking motorcyclists will soon be able to discover a new way to burn rubber - on a tilting three-wheel trike. The Sway vehicle, which can reach a top speed of 40mph, removes the danger of falling that riders upon a two-wheeled motorbike have. It is an electric-powered motorcycle which designer Joe Wilcox believes "will change the way we think about movement". The Sway allows users to lean into turns as if on a motorbike but its intuitive design means it will not fall. [Photo/CFP]

Photo special: Technology 2012

Guy Marom, development engineer at the Micro Robotics Laboratory (MRL) of the Israel Aerospace Industries' (IAI), works with The "Robotic Butterfly".The "Robotic Butterfly" is one of the innovative products developed and manufactured by Israel Aerospace Industries' (IAI) Micro Robotics Laboratory (MRL). It belongs to the field of micro technologies, approaching Nano technologies. The Micro Robotics Laboratory supports IAI's activities related to autonomous systems including Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and robotic systems for ground and maritime applications. The 20 cm long "Robotic Butterfly" weighs only 12 grams and includes an engine, sensors, communications and steering systems. The "Robotic Butterfly" manages to fly by flapping its four wings and thrusting itself forward in a similar manner to butterflies.[Photo/CFP] 
