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Spitters face 50-Yuan fine in Hangzhou

2007-October-24 09:26:41

Spitters face 50-Yuan fine in Hangzhou

Hangzhou in eastern China will fine spitters 50 yuan (US$6.66) from next month as the city tries to become the cleanest city in China, Today Morning Express reported.

The city on Monday revealed punishments for polluters in an announcement to tighten the crackdown on spitters and those who litter.

The regulation will take effect from November 1 to December 31.

Those who dump trash, such as paper, cigarette butts and beverage cans, will face a fine of 30 yuan to 50 yuan, and those who spit, pee and poop, spit chewing gum and dump used batteries in public will be fined 50 yuan, the announcement said.

Discharging household garbage, wastewater and excrement, dumping animal bodies and burning leaves and garbage randomly will lead to 100-yuan fine, the report said.

The city's cabbies will be equipped with garbage containers and notices to remind passengers to behave decently, the report said.

The capital city of Zhejiang Province is two hours away from Shanghai. The relaxed lakeside city is one of the best choices for scenery and tourism.


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