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International Outsourcing Business Development Summit

2009-August-25 14:01:21

Since 2008, the International Outsourcing Business Development Summit (IOBD) has been held in Hangzhou once a year. Well-known experts, scholars and administration supervisors are invited to exchange views on opportunity and development, discuss obstacles and find solutions in outsourcing business at this international platform. The summit also creates an opportunity for business cooperation and program negotiation between overseas outsourcers and domestic service providers.

The summit is organized by the Hangzhou Municipal Government in association with the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) and the International Finance Facility (IFF), with media support from Global Service and Outsource magazines.

Every year the theme of the summit changes relating to the market situation and current trends. For instance, due to the global financial crisis, the theme of the 2nd IOBD Summit in May was “How Outsourcing Business Can Create Advantages and Open a Vision for the Future”.

The summit receives immediate reports from mainstream media as well as Internet media. CCTV4, CCTV9, China Daily, China News, International Business Daily, Economic Information Daily, OUTSOURCE and Global Service provide news and highlights from the summit.

For domestic service providers and international outsourcers, it is not only a great opportunity to meet and enhance their global image, but participation in the summit also offers a chance to grasp visional views and opinions in the outsourcing industry, which is significant for development.

The IOBD is held once a year on a non-fixed date. For detailed information on the 2010 IOBD, related enterprises and institutes can contact the IOBD organizer:

Hangzhou office: 86571-85101913         Email: ssx321@163.com.

Beijing office: 8610-85863438 / 8610-85863613          Email: jennifer-huang@great-idea.com.cn; caojing@great-idea.com.cn.

Editor: Liu Fang


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