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Get the latest news and reviews on Chinese food, drink, restaurants, cuisine, and recipes from the chinadaily.com.cn.

  • Merry Porky in burned forest

    2012-10-09 10:33

    This time poor Porky ended His life in burning forest.

  • Caviar indulgence

    2012-09-29 10:48

    Yannick Alleno is back in Beijing with an autumn menu that is simple, yet decadent.

  • Evergreens on the table in Macao

    2012-09-29 09:59

    Macanese staples and international fare in a garden setting has made Cafe Panorama a favorite with locals for the past generation.

  • Common language of good food

    2012-09-29 09:55

    Stylish Japanese sushi houses have always been a favorite of the young white-collar urbanites.

  • Seafood buffet at LAN Club Beijing

    2012-09-25 11:34

    Do not miss this year’s seafood season and indulge yourself in the extravagant Seafood Buffet at LAN Club Beijing. 

  • Hong Kong, Shanghai

    2012-09-24 10:08

    Forget about picking at your hairy crabs and digging out bits of meat and roe. At Shanghai Min in Hong Kong, it's all done for you, and some.

  • Gourmet New York-style pizza slices

    2012-09-24 10:03

    Hong Kong residents have always been fond of pizzas, and now they have renewed that love affair, with pizza-by-the-slice stores popping up everywhere.

  • Nouveau French cuisine, traditional Chinese style

    2012-09-24 09:47

    A young Beijinger is making waves on the culinary scene with his unique epicurean philosophy.

  • Moon · Cakes · Tea

    2012-09-17 13:13

    Soon, the mid-autumn moon will shine biggest and brightest, and Chinese all over the world will bask in its glow and take it as another opportunity to feast.

  • Neighborhood noodles

    2012-09-17 10:08

    Noodles. Seafood. These two perennial favorites combine to make one shop in Shanghai a favorite with the city's young foodies.

  • Red spicy - for the night birds

    2012-09-09 22:39

    This is an omelet you cannot pass over if you love eggs.

  • Marine seafood - seafood nirvana

    2012-09-09 22:30

    Marine seafood started as a shabu-shabu restaurant 18 years ago but switched to selling seafood last year.

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