Chai registered his land as a family farm, a few days after the central government issued this year's first paper, calling for the development of family farms. "This means our government will pay more attention to family farms. It's good news for me," Chai says. Family farms mean food safety can be traced back to the family, according to Chai. This will force families to regard food quality as a priority. "I do think the younger generation will be the main force in developing the family farm because they are open to new things," Chai says. Chai also tried his hand at potted Chinese leek, which turned out to be a profitable venture. "However my father was always afraid of losing money from the new trade. He asked me how to sell out the potted leek almost every day," Chai says. "They agreed to allocate 0.67 hectares for the potted trade this year as they saw huge potential in the new trade," Chai says, with a smile. Chai says in the future he wants to expand the variety of products made from Chinese leek. "I will develop processed Chinese leek products and sell them to the overseas market," Chai says. Chai has earned the nickname "General Chai" from his partners. But the young man says he is simply a farmer and he will prove farmers can live a high-quality life in China. "If I have a son in the future, he will probably end up following my footsteps in the farming trade," Chai says.
今年3月份,柴会龙将他的30亩韭菜地注册成了当地第二个家庭农场,成为一名农场主。 “家庭农场的优点是能够实现食品安全的可追溯。”柴会龙说。 柴会龙的无公害韭菜使用富硒肥、经沼气发酵的生物肥,低毒高效无公害范围之内的农药。“回归自然,按照原始的种植模式种植,我们的生态、土壤才能得到保护。”柴会龙说。 对于种韭菜,柴会龙有自己的想法。 “看好韭菜产业,从韭菜的原材料,到盆景韭菜,到韭菜花、韭花酱、韭菜腌制的咸菜、专做水饺的韭菜馅,直到销往国外。” 仅仅24岁的柴会龙凭借自己的能力买了轿车和房子,这让很多年轻人羡慕不已。然而柴会龙告诉记者,钱不是最重要的,最重要的是能够陪在父母身边。 今年正月十五, 正在地里干活的柴会龙不见父母到来, 给家里打电话也没人接。他赶紧回家,发现父母煤气中毒陷入昏迷。柴会龙说,在乡亲们的帮助下,他才把父母救回来。 “如果我没有选择回家创业,我就不会发现父母煤气中毒,后果不堪想象,那样我会后悔一辈子。”柴会龙说。 柴会龙终于用实际行动说服了爸爸柴本喜。“他改变了我们村传统的种植模式,创造了一些新的方法。我为他感到自豪。”48岁的柴本喜笑着告诉记者。 随着柴会龙的韭菜生意越做越大,很多人称呼柴会龙“柴总”,对此,他说:“我就是个农民,一个有知识的新农民。” 如今,很多媒体前来采访柴会龙,这让柴会龙觉得有点儿“不踏实”。 “我害怕自己走的不踏实。我会不断地稳固销售渠道,反省我的模式,和父母探讨种植技术。”柴会龙说。 当被记者问到将来是否会让自己的孩子像他一样经营家庭农场的时候,柴会龙告诉记者,他相信几年之后中国的家庭农场会实现机械化,那时候经营家庭农场不会像现在的这样苦。如果孩子愿意,他会非常支持孩子回家乡发展。 (中国日报 山东记者站 记者 鞠川江 赵瑞雪) (本文为编译,英文原文刊登于4月11日版《中国日报》)