Thirty Chinese salsa dance enthusiasts will fly to Cuba in September for an intensive certification process but they may find time for some sun and fun on the beach as well. The trip will last 10 days and will be the third time Beijing-based instructor Geovany Gonzalez has sent Chinese dancers to experience salsa in Cuba over the past year. "They will learn from Cubans who perform and teach the dance the way that made it famous 50 years ago," said Gonzalez, bouncing in his chair and slapping his arms to demonstrate the rhythm. "Salsa means 'sauce' in both English and Spanish," he added. "It is a mix of chopped vegetables or fruit, especially tomatoes, onions and chili peppers, used as a condiment. "The dance is as tasty as the sauce, neither of which is for show but, rather, spontaneous and natural." These qualities, according to Gonzalez, form the soul of salsa. Gonzalez is a Cuban who has been promoting his country's culture in Beijing for almost 10 years. Early in 2008 he hosted free salsa classes for 40 people at his Guantanamera nightspot. "The Chinese love to learn salsa because it's very different from their traditions," he said. "They have opened their minds and souls to things from Cuba." The Cuban form of salsa is a bit different from what most people see on the international stage. "It's a little looser," said Gonzalez. "Many people mistake salsa for New York salsa, thinking the dance was born in the United States. But salsa has its roots firmly based in the Afro-Spanish musical traditions of Cuba. I want more Chinese to experience the 'mother' of the style from Cuba." Gonzalez first visited China in 2004 for a holiday when he was a member of a pop band called David Blanco. He played bass and also worked as the group's agent. "Musicians are emotional and I am no exception," the 40-year-old said. "I wanted to make some life changes." He married in China and settled in Beijing. He found it hard to obtain a job so he became his own boss. Huo Yaohui, one of Gonzalez's first Chinese friends, has worked with him for years. Huo said Gonzalez is smart and creative, and full of fresh ideas. "He is a true perfectionist," he added. "He sticks to a job around the clock, until the work is done." Huo is the only Asian to have won a gold medal for salsa at the International Festival of Popular Dance of Cuba and is credited with bringing Cuban salsa dancing to Beijing. By 2006, Gonzalez owned two companies - an advertising agency for Chinese companies opening businesses in Latin America and a restaurant offering Cuban food, art and live music. "I love Cuba and its culture," Gonzalez said. "I believe opportunities occur when more people get to know it." In 2013, Gonzalez started managing the Latin American and Caribbean Center, an arts and media hub that attracts a mix of cultures. Additionally, it offers Spanish language courses for children during the summer and winter holidays. Gonzalez has booked the Ballet Nacional de Cuba to perform in China. "The ballet company was founded by Alicia Alonso, a legendary Cuban prima ballerina and choreographer, and marks the highest level of Cuban ballet dancing," he said. The company will embark on a tour of 15 Chinese cities in December.
30名中国萨尔萨舞爱好者将于九月乘机飞往古巴进行一次集中的认证过程,当然他们也将享受美好的阳光沙滩。 本次舞蹈访问将持续10天,这也是在过去的一年里北京的萨尔萨舞老师冈萨雷斯(Geovany Gonzalez)第三次派出中国舞者前往古巴体验萨尔萨舞了。 “这些中国舞者们将从古巴人那里学习到萨尔萨舞的技艺和教学,并使萨尔萨舞重回五十年前的辉煌。”冈萨雷斯一边说,一遍跳到椅子上,拍打双臂来演示舞蹈节奏。 他补充道:“在英语和西班牙语中,萨尔萨是‘酱料’的意思,将切碎的蔬菜或水果混合而成,主要是西红柿、洋葱和辣椒,用来作调味品。” “舞蹈同调味酱一样是一种美妙的事物,都不是为了作秀,相反,它们都是自发和自然的。” 冈萨雷斯表示,这种品质,正是萨尔萨舞的灵魂。 古巴人冈萨雷斯近十年来一直在北京宣传自己国家的文化。早在2008年,他组织了40名萨尔萨舞者免费在他的关塔那摩尔(Guantanamer)夜总会表演。 他说: “由于萨尔萨舞与中国人的传统文化有着极大的不同,因此中国人对它充满兴趣。他们和乐于接受来自古巴的事物。” 与大多数人在国际舞台看到的萨尔萨舞表演相比,古巴的萨尔萨舞有所不同。 冈萨雷斯表示:“这里存在一些出入,许多人由此误认为新萨尔萨舞源于美国。但事实上萨尔萨舞植根于古巴的西班牙黑人音乐传统。我想让更多的中国人感受古巴最正宗的萨尔萨舞。” 2004年冈萨雷斯第一次来中国度假,当时他还是一支叫做David Blanco的流行乐队贝斯手和乐队经纪人。 今年40岁的冈萨雷斯表示:“音乐家是感性的,我也不例外,因此我想生活不能总是一成不变。” 他在中国结婚并定居北京。他发现找一个合适的工作很难,因此他决定自己做老板。 霍曜飞(音)是冈萨雷斯最早认识的中国朋友之一。两人共事多年。霍曜飞表示,冈萨雷斯是一个聪明并具有创造性的人,脑子里充满了新鲜的想法。 霍曜飞补充道:“他是一个真正的完美主义者,他坚持昼夜不停地工作,直到工作结束。” 霍曜飞是唯一在古巴国际舞蹈节赢得萨尔萨舞金牌的的亚洲舞者,并因将古巴萨尔萨舞带到北京而声名大噪。 到2006年,冈萨雷斯拥有两家公司——一家为中国企业打开拉美市场的广告代理和一家以古巴饮食、艺术、和现场音乐演奏为特色的餐厅。 “我爱古巴及其文化,”冈萨雷斯说。“当更多人开始了解它时,我意识到这是传播它的机会。” 2013年,冈萨雷斯开始经营一家吸收多元文化的拉丁美洲和加勒比中心。此外,该中心还为孩子们提供寒暑假西班牙语言课程。 冈萨雷斯专门请来了古巴芭蕾舞团Nacionalde来中国表演。 他说: “该芭蕾舞团是一位具有传奇色彩的芭蕾大师、古巴首席女芭蕾明星和编导艾丽西亚·阿隆索(Alicia Alonso)成立的,标志着古巴芭蕾舞蹈的最高水平。” 该舞团将于12月开始在中国15个城市展开巡演。
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