Realizing the social hazards inherent in high rates of divorce, while seeking to improve the quality of marriage and help people solve their marital crises, the Ministry of Civil Affairs is promoting the Family Harmony Project. The nonprofit program, carried out under the auspices of the ministry, was launched in Shanghai on March 6. It aims to provide a greater number of highly skilled professional councilors and psychologists to work as "marriage doctors and nurses" to enhance the work of improving relationships and maintaining social stability. The first batch of 300 counselors will work in businesses and communities and with families in crisis, providing advice to 100,000 couples. Two websites, jiahegongcheng and weiqing120, along with a 24-hour hotline (4008-120-089), are available to help those in need. If a marriage cannot be repaired, the "marital medics" will also provide services to protect the legal rights of the divorcing couple. The hotline receives more than 1,000 calls a day, of which 70 percent concern extramarital affairs. "Marriage doctors and nurses are psychologists and marriage counselors who are keen to help marriages on the brink of failure. They volunteer to teach people how to maintain their marriage and keep it healthy and happy," said Shu. "No amount of career success can replace the success of a good marriage, because career success only accompanies you for a certain time but your marriage can be with you for your entire life. I have seen so many people who drive luxury cars and own large enterprises and property, but without a happy marriage, even their careers are affected negatively. The project is meaningful and practical in solving real problems. An old Chinese proverb says 'A harmonious family can lead to success in everything'. I hope the project can be promoted nationwide, because it can be one of the most effective ways of stabilizing society," said Chen. "The reasons for marital breakdown are becoming increasingly complicated and that's leading to rising demand for the expertise of the marriage doctors and nurses. Although most of the counselors are highly qualified as psychologists and marriage counselors, more training should be available," said Wei Mingzhen, founder of the first marriage hospital in Hubei province and deputy director of the China Marriage and Family Counseling Center. Some names in this article have been changed to protect confidentiality. (China Daily) |
为了提高婚姻质量,维护社会稳定,减少离婚对于夫妻双方家庭和孩子带来的伤害,民政部中国社会工作协会婚姻家庭工作委员会推出家和工程, 这项公益活动将为遭遇婚恋与家庭情感困扰的市民提供咨询服务与帮助。 家和工程上海基地3月6日正式启动,首期将投入300名婚姻医生、情感护士,他们将走进企业、社区、家庭,进行“夫妻情感保鲜、婚姻矛盾消化、家庭关系协调、敬老人爱家人”等情感维护。“家和工程”还专门建设了“家和公益网”、开通24小时热线,热线主要进行婚姻情感危机干预和离婚维权心理援助。300名专业人员持证上岗,接听电话和网络在线咨询。 热线开通半个月来,每天都要接到1000多个咨询电话,其中70%是咨询有关婚外情的。 舒心说:“我们的婚姻医生和护士绝大多数都是经验非常丰富的心理咨询师和婚姻家庭指导师,他们都对帮助大家维护婚姻稳定充满热情。” “人生中没有任何成功可以代替婚姻家庭的成功。因为事业的成功只是人生的一个阶段,而婚姻家庭的成功将伴随一生。婚姻医生和护士的工作非常有意义,将会对社会稳定启动巨大作用。然而300名医生和护士还远远不够,希望这一工程可以在全国推广。” 陈一筠教授说。 “导致婚姻瓦解的原因越来越复杂和多种多样,同时也对我们婚姻医生和护士的工作提出了很大的挑战。尽管这些人很多已经是经验丰富的心理医生和婚姻咨询师,定期的培训来提高他们的帮扶技能更有益于提高婚姻调节的成功率,”武汉维情婚姻家庭服务有限公司首席婚姻危机处理专家魏明震建议。 (记者 何娜) (注:本文为编译)