Urbanization rate Similar programs are also under way in a number of other cities and towns in Inner Mongolia. The urbanization rate of the autonomous region had risen to 60 percent by the end of last year from 42 percent in 2000. The number is expected to climb further to 65 percent by 2020, when more than 16 million people will live in cities and towns. In the Dongsheng district of Ordos, the residential area has 126 buildings. Each six-story building has 12 apartments, two per floor. As part of a government project to relocate farmers and herdsman from the nearby counties of Hantai and Bojianghai, the apartments are sold at a price of 600 to 1,000 yuan per sq m, around a quarter of the market price of similar apartments. Liu Qingshan, 69, and his 64-year-old wife moved to their new apartment in Dongsheng in early 2012. They came from a village in Hantai county, about 10 km from the downtown area they now call home. He said the relocation is good for him and his four children. "There was no food market in the village and we could only eat the few types of vegetables that we could grow ourselves. The youngsters couldn't stay in the village because they are aiming to make better careers in the cities. If we hadn't moved, it would have been hard for the children to take care of us." It is estimated that China will have 160 million people aged 65 and older by 2020. Meanwhile, in the coming decades, the number of families comprising a couple, two sets of grandparents and a child will increase immensely, placing a much greater burden on middle-aged family members than in previous generations. In Ordos, residents aged 60 and older account for 11 percent of the population, according to statistics released at the end of last year. |
城镇化带来新变化 在内蒙各地,这样的城镇化项目正在逐年增加。在鄂尔多斯市,十年来,累计转移农牧区人口50多万,全市实际从事农牧业的人口仅20余万。2002年农牧民人均纯收入为2470元,2012年农牧民人均纯收入达到11353元,年均增长13.1%。实施城乡统筹之后人口转移,不仅富了农牧民,而且使当地的生态环境有了极大的改善。植被覆盖率由2000年的25%提高到现在的75%以上。 在内蒙,生活着蒙、满、回等多个少数民族。为了营造出让居民感到亲切的生活环境,鄂尔多斯给村民安排的新小区都做了贴心的小改造。69岁的老人刘青山去年初和老板刚搬到鄂尔多斯东胜区的新房子里。在朝南的一间主卧中,我们看到了一个带“炕”的装修。与传统烧火取暖的炕有所不同,新房的炕烧的是暖气,有炕的外形,但节能、干净。 刘大爷告诉我们,小区的房子都是六层的小平房,一共有126栋,安置的是罕台和泊江海镇的居民。刘大爷说:“以前在农村,没有超市。菜都是自己种自己吃,种类非常少。现在不一样,小区的超市什么都有,方便多了。对儿女来说,老人住城里也给孩子们带来便利。年轻人毕竟得到大城市才能有更好的发展,但老人在村里住他们来回跑也很累。现在搬到市区,孩子们照顾老人也方便多了。” 目前,鄂尔多斯市60周岁以上老年人18.4万人,占户籍人口的11.9%,其中,80周岁以上老年人2.3万人,百岁老人25人,总体上进入了老龄化社会。2011年末户籍人口154.2万人,其中非农业人口48.9万人。 中国国务院日前讨论通过的《中国老龄事业发展“十二五”规划》预测,“十二五”时期,中国60岁以上老年人将由1.78亿增加到2.21亿,老年人口比重将由13.3%增加到16%,人口老龄化进程将加快,社会养老保障和养老服务需求将大量增加。