2014巴西世界杯 > China Daily独家



2014-06-24 13:51:32




Guillermo Ochoa | Mexico, 28: After keeping a cleansheet against Cameroon, Ochoa was more than impressive against hosts Brazil, pulling off some incredible saves and ensuring they get a famous 0-0 result. Ochoa is the only keeper having played two games and not conceded a goal yet.

吉列尔莫·奥乔亚(Guillermo Ochoa 墨西哥 28岁):在与喀麦隆的较量中一球未失。在之后与东道主巴西的对决中,更是让人印象深刻。他完成了几次完美扑救,保证了与东道主0:0的平局,这来之不易。奥乔亚是唯一在两场比赛中从未失球的门将。

Rafael Marquez | Mexico, 35: As he did against Cameroon, Rafael Marquez was the last line of defence for the Mexicans against Brazil as well. In both games he kept things organised and led from the back in a three man defensive set-up. His role was crucial as he proved to be the final cover to keeper Ochoa.

拉法埃尔·马科斯(Rafael Marquez 墨西哥 35岁):在与喀麦隆和巴西的对决中,马科斯是最后一道防御线。在两场比赛中,他组织得力,在防守三人组中起了很好的领导作用。马科斯的角色十分关键,因为事实证明,对门将奥乔亚来说,他是最后一道屏障。

Gary Medel | Chile, 26: He had an easier task in hand against Australia, but it was a more difficult opposition in Spain. Both games he played a fantastic role in transferring his abilities as a defensive midfielder to central defence. The same ability to break up play and get stuck in to tackles applied as Chile booked their place in the next round.

加里·梅德尔(Gary Medel 智利 26岁):对阵澳大利亚的轻松和遭遇西班牙的艰难,让他经历了冰火两重天。不过,他出色地完成了从防守型中场到中卫的角色转变。破坏进攻,阻截铲球的战术,将会在智利下一轮比赛中保持稳定。

Cristian Gamboa | Costa Rica, 24: Another three man defensive system proved to be successful at the World Cup with full-backs playing the important role. Gamboa & Diaz mirrored each others’ contribution but what made their performance interesting in a 5 man defence is their defensive work rate as opposed to attacking.

克里斯蒂安·甘博亚(Cristian Gamboa 哥斯达黎加 24岁 ):世界杯中另一支有名的三后卫防守诞生了,哥斯达黎加的3后卫功不可没。甘博亚与迪亚斯的组合如双生子般默契。另外,他们的防守率比进攻更高,这让5位后防表现得更加精彩。

MORE | Best 2014 World Cup Players XI (after first round of fixtures)


Daley Blind | Netherlands, 24: His defensive performance was more in the spotlight against Australia, while his two crosses against Spain caught the attention in the first game. In both those matches Blind has displayed his ability to balance both sides of the game, getting forward but getting back into position too.

戴利·布林德(Daley Blind 荷兰 24岁):他的防守表现在对阵澳大利亚的比赛中展露无遗,同时在遭遇西班牙时的两次传球也让人印象深刻。在两场比赛中,布林德展现了前后场的平衡能力,攻击和防守都能及时到位。

Jermaine Jones | USA , 32: He played two different midfield systems for the US, first as part of a diamond and second in a 4-2-3-1. Both games his defensive performance was impressive while he put in a fantastic shift in attack against the Portuguese, getting on the scoresheet with quite superb effort.

杰梅因·琼斯(Jermaine Jones 美国 32岁):他在美国队菱形和4-2-3-1阵型中司职中场。他的防守能力在两场比赛中让人印象深刻。琼斯在与葡萄牙的交手中,完成了漂亮的防守反击,为美国队赢得关键一分。

James Rodriguez | Colombia, 22: The Colombian has been the stand-out performer for an impressive side that has booked it’s place in the next round. First involved in all three goals vs Greece, he scored another against Ivory Coast, somehow managing to get on the scoresheet with his head. He was at #3 in our list of 25 Young Players to Watch at the World Cup.

詹姆斯·罗德里格斯(James Rodriguez 哥伦比亚 22岁):这位哥伦比亚小将在比赛中完成得很出色,哥伦比亚进入下一轮比赛。在对阵希腊的比赛中全取三分,同时面对哥斯达黎加再攻一球,进入射手榜。同时,在outsideoftheboot网站中评选的“不得不看的25位世界杯新秀”名单中,位列第三。

Andre Ayew | Ghana, 24: Playing on the left side of attack, Ayew has been important in ensuring Ghana’s main attacking approach, down the flanks, is successful. He got on the scoresheet against the US with quick work with Gyan, while scoring with his head in an impressive draw with Germany

安德鲁-阿尤(Andre Ayew 加纳 24岁):司职左路前锋。阿尤是保证球队边路进攻战术成功的关键。他与吉安的快攻配合使他在与美国队的较量中登上射手榜。同时,他又头球破门战平德国。

Arjen Robben | Netherlands, 30: He followed up an incredible two goal performance against Spain with another goal against Australia as the Dutch impress on their way into the quarter finals. Although he isn’t played in exactly his favourite wing position, Robben has adjusted well to a more central role (been included out wide in this line-up for convenience).

阿尔杰·罗本(Arjen Robben 荷兰 30岁):荷兰世界杯小组赛与西班牙的对决中,罗本独中两元。之后又有一次攻破澳大利亚。虽然罗本并未司职他最擅长的边锋,但他在一个更中心的位置上表现得游刃有余。

Robin Van Persie | Netherlands, 30: Robben’s partner in crime, Van Persie, has also found the back of the net on three occasions. A beautiful header, a reward for pressing and composed finish are the three goals the Dutch captain can boast of leading the line for Van Gaal’s Oranje.

罗宾·范佩西(Robin van Persie 荷兰 30岁):作为罗本的锋线进攻搭档,范佩西也打进三球。一个漂亮的头球、一个压迫对手的回报、一个冷静的射门,这是这位荷兰队长带领球队完成的三个目标。

Karim Benzema | France, 26: The Real Madrid man could have been top scorer by a decent margin had it not been for a few near misses, he scored twice against Honduras, adding one more against Switzerland. Benzema has been part of a hugely impressive and consistent French side, joint top scorers in the World Cup.

卡里姆·本泽马(Karim Benzema 法国 26岁):这位皇马球星原本可以位列射手榜榜首。他在对阵洪都拉斯的比赛中,独中两元,又在与瑞士对决中再取一分。法国队发挥稳定,令人敬畏。本泽马已成为这支法国队的一部分,同时位列世界杯射手榜前列。

(译者 Lari 编辑 齐磊)



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