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Russia's new nuclear missile systems
Europe lacks a grand vision "Going East"!
There is a heated, but really petty discussion going on in Europe, about accepting Turkey as full member of the European Union. Most political parties, from left to right are divided in this question. But particularly in Germany the 2 big Christian opposition parties, have started a new kind of verbal crusade against Turkey, accusing it of lack of observation of human rights, lack of democracy, having a majority of Muslims and being on its bigger part geographically in Asia.
The list of WMD is endless
If you take a wider definition, than just the military one, used in the language of different treaties, you would come to the conclusion that Weapons of Mass Destruction WMD have entered our daily lives very deeply.
Anonymity and Pseudonymity - pro's and con's
Somebody invited me in the CD forum to speak out on Anonymity and Pseudonymity on the Internet, He, (tsupasat), did so in the form of an Essay. Let me do the same and come to contrary conclusions.
Europe will stay Christian inspired
I just can not see what is suddenly wrong from a Chinese stand point, if some Europeans do not want to favor Christianity in their new common constitution.
Giving advice is an art
The main problem we have with US advice, is its way and its form of delivery, as you rightly sensed. Giving advice is an art, and not a mass consumption product.
My own Algerian experience
Lets separate for a moment the real cases of torture and other Army-misbehavior on the one side and the Theories of collective guilt, responsibility and reparations on the other.
Looking back in a long love life
I was never married and will get 73 in July. I have 2 children. I am together with my present women now 68 years old since 12 years.We still make love. Before this latest relation, my average relation lasted 4 to 5 years.
US drags European Democracies in its dirt
European democracy is much better than the US system and critics of democracy have to watch of not washing out the baby with the bath.
Europe handles its war reconciliation much better than Asia
This is the story how European "hereditary Enemies" in the Wars 1870/71, 1914/18, 1939/45 came to the actual state of "European Union".
Don't go to the US anymore
My personal answer to the fingerprinting is very clear: I do not travel any more to the US !
This is my 100th contribution to China Daily!
This is my 100th contribution to China Daily! May I make a wish ?
Make children not war
The elderly population in Europe and North America ( and also Japan) gets a bigger and bigger share in the total of the population and children become rarer and rarer. In nearly no western country the replacement rate of 2 children per couple of adults is attained.
Democracies can become sick, but also heal
There is a lot of democracy bashing in this Chinadaily Forums, just because one of many other forms of democracy in the world, namely the US democracy, has produced some very saddening results under president Bush.
Chinese media sucked up by the 5 "awful media sisters"
Two major media events happened nearly the same time:
I am against a United States of the World (USW)
Everybody seems suddenly to like China - Isn't it suspicious?
Isn't it suspicious? Everybody seems to like China, or most of it, this days. The China beating has very much died down for the moment.
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