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Lau Guan Kim
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Lau Guan kim
The sore issue of Japan not apologizing to China
Back in the winter of 1998, my thoughts revolved around the relationship between China and Japan. What was considered as a mute reaction to Japan's past atrocities could never remain so when the Japanese never made an outright apology through their emperor.
China's claim on Taiwan is irrefutable
The strident cry for many Chinese is: Taiwan is China's!
Is Taiwan all that peaceful towards China?
When one considers Chen Shuibian promulgation of the Forward Policy of fighting on mainland China, can we say he is a pacifist?
A recalcitrant Taiwan: A self-destruct option
Concerning China's attempt at a peaceful reunification with Taiwan where it is apparent to all that whatever attempts, the Taidu in political power concoct every hurdle to frustrate reunification.
Would Taiwan provoke conflict?
Basically, there is no conflict between America and China if not for the unfortunate Korean War (1950-1953).
Reunification is reconciliation
The Taiwan Son rejects Mother China on the misunderstanding Reunification is Unification.
When will Taiwan attack China?
Just recently, Taipei Times wrote about Taiwan going nuclear and targeting vulnerable spots such as the Three Gorges Dam, among other targets mentioned.
Enact Chinese China-Taiwan Reunification Act
For sometime I have been mulling over this Taiwan Relations Act.
The Peking Duck in a bigoted Westerner
Bread baked by a sloppy baker in Peking Duck just isn't rising enough, going by his signature of having baked a hot-bread-repartee to legitimate Chinese sentiments.
Choosing what you read with an open and discerning mind
I took some time to respond to a thread by Mark Wu in my Photo Essay on flowers and birds because to talk about myself has the danger of being an egomaniac without realising it. As his thread would seem incongruous in that essay, I hence start this new thread in response.
The Taidu: Self-denial and use of semantics to obfuscate reunification
The English translation of Dutch surrender accepted by China's Koxinga was in the 17th Century, not 15th Century as claimed by one Taidu - that China's claim on Taiwan is old and obsolete.
No need to redraw line on Taiwan
No need to redraw line on Taiwan: It has been part of China from antiquity.
Debating with one Taiwanese
A reply to a Taiwanese in another Forum outside China
A lie repeated often becomes truth
It was time China rebutted the lies by the US press media's slanted reports.
China's national defence: Danger of overspending
There were a number of well-intentioned China aficionados who out of concern, wanted the potential enemy of China to know it was folly to follow a 19th Century Western mindset that the Middle Kingdom is inherently weak, and would be a cakewalk if a push came to shove.
A Critical Assessment of Bruce Lee's Contribution to Chinese Martial Art
Aha, Bruce Lee the Little Dragon!
China's path to market economy will have the initial hiccups
When China joined the WTO (World Trade Organisation) there were some qualms in well-concerned circles the 'subjugate' role China would have to play to placate the West and the US in terms of trade practice.
China the bogeyman: A Cold War relic
With the result of the Taiwan election over and hanging in controversy and recriminations, some may think Chen Shui-bian's cat whisker's win further bolsters the perception that China is not only a bully to resist, but frighteningly the bogeyman to fear.
China may need more than twenty years to be fully developed
Years back, some decade after 1979, the positive side for China was it would launch off by the year 2020, and the GDP supersede the US based on Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) of the RMB.
Mother Dalu loves Son Taiwan
Let me tell you a tale of Mother Dalu
Anti-corruption in China: just paying lip service?
How to eradicate this is a humongous task, as even investigating bodies have to know whom they are stalking. It is safe if the small or not so small fish is caught, but the trawling net will not be strong to hold the bigger fish or shark.
Sino-US misunderstanding: Patience needed
In the past the wordings of China's displeasure at US in the Taiwan imbroglio, the term "warn" had been frequently used. The consequence was that these had a decidedly different effect on the US. They gave the wrong impression China was impatience and bellicose.
Chinese characteristics in choosing China's leaders
The jeers and derisions that the decisions made by China's equivalent of parliament is 'rubber-sTAMped' have been flogged ad nauseam.
China has actually wasted five hundred years
As long as good Americans can give handholding support to what China can do as a force for peace will go a long way to see China through that period when she has to know and find herself, may be unwillingly, to be a key player for the betterment of the world.
Mao Zedong and his place in Chinese history
Mao Zedong without any university degree became the learned poet and philosopher of guerrilla warfare and founder of New China
Freedom: Sino-US perception
The observation here is whereas America, by its Christian ideals and universal suffrages, would frown on what is happening to the individual rights or that of minority groups. The difference here is perception of each other: America on the rights of the individual and China on the rights of all by consensus.
China is keeping the Taiwan separatists guessing in confusion
Chen Shui-bian's demand to be recognised as head of state: A Euphemism for Taiwan independence
China's development in high-tech national defence strategy
The news in People's Daily on 2004-03-05 reported Premier Wen Jiabao stressed "efforts to modernize China's national defence and armed forces is an important guarantee for safeguarding national security and building a moderately prosperous society in all respects."
Olympic 2008 may be another missed opportunity not of China's misdoing
With Chen Shui-bian desperately trying to win a second term, and with his defensive referendum that can lead to independence just around 2008, China will be reluctantly forced to give that up to meet the threat from the Taidu (Taiwan separatists).
I hope the Taiwanese settle down and get back to business.
I hope that the six party talks will create a new opportunity for China and N. Korea. Unfortunately, the cross Straits noise is getting louder.
Critical comments on demonstration against Article 23 in Hong Kong
It is now seven months when the demo against article 23 erupted, much to the surprise of the leaders in Beijing. On looking back, we just wonder what PRO (Public Relations Organisation) was laid out to explain the finer points of article 23.
The politics of half-empty or half-full rice bowl
On the hypothesis of an American presidential aspirant clandestinely negotiating with China for the overthrow of Bush and a power sharing in a political takeover, we use the half-full and half-empty rice bowl argument.
1C2S is China's pledge to prosper Hong Kong
Just before 1997, my wife on a trip to Guangdong (Canton) was met in HK by our son-in-law's parents and relatives. It so happened that my eldest daughter's father-in-law's rich elder sister was celebrating her birthday.
The demo on July 1 2003 had the imprimatur vested sectarian groups
Let us cast aside the conspiracy theory that the US could be behind this massive demonstration. Pointing fingers at the US is sidetracking the issue - why are the people in Hong Kong expressing their dissatisfaction and anger?
Chen Shui-bian is in a bind
He has no idea what he is doing. He can only come out with various wild schemes, but all in the end boils down to he does not accept that there is one China and Taiwan its province.
Washington Conference 1922 a delayed US reaction to Russo-Japan War 1904
The US reacted to this Russo-Japan War of 1904 gradually and warily. More so now that it had a piece of real estate in the Philippines with its short and easy victory against Spain in the Spanish American War. I wonder how similar this was to Bush's Iraq War (note my avoidance of 'America's').
Mainland on Taiwan Vote: Say nothing. See and hear!
(Taiwan's) Chen Shui-bian must be pondering now what all this military get-together between the US and China is all about?
Chinese hostages to their writing system: A case for simplification and reform
While we take cognisance of the unity arising from the peace and tranquillity of a strong central authority in China throughout the millennia, another very potent factor in binding the nation as a unitary state and an unbroken civilisation is its one-writing system.
Beijing on the night of 14 July
When I was in Beijing in July 2001 I witnessed an unforgettable scene. If my memory is correct, that was 14 July, a hot summer evening. China on that evening at around 10,00pm just learnt the news of its successful bid for the 2008 Olympics.
Chen Shui-bian's Taiwan shaobing wrapped as Beijing mantou
The situation seems to be getting out of hand with the maverick Chen Shui-bian going it 'unilaterally', a starting probe how far the US may go to supporting his drive for independence.
The legacy of Mao Zedong
On the parapet of Tiananmen Mao Zedong on October 1, 1949, declared:"The Chinese had stood up!"
How successful is the anti-corruption campaign?
Nothing to crow about.
China's lost twenty years!
For twenty years, schools and universities were shut down by Mao Zedong's failed Great Leap Forward, and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
Why a big China defeated by smaller states?
From a historical perspective, the Chinese were never a martial nation.
So what about Russia and Vietnam?
The Sino-Vietnam War was in 1979.
On Chinese chauvinism and need to keep open door policy
Chinese culture is secular and tolerant. At her peak in the Tang dynasty (618-907), China absorbed foreign culture at an accelerated rate, this phenomenon being influenced by as many as more than 10,000 merchants coming from as far as Rome living in the ancient capital of Xian.
A misconception about China's increased defence budget
Among the East Asian states, China has the greatest economic potential. Currently it is the second largest economy (measuring by Purchasing Power Parity) and in fifty years will surpass the US.
America is in no danger of attack from China
It makes me wonder why would China perceive the US as the eventual enemy, as claimed by many American hawks? America is separated from China by the Pacific Ocean and is in no danger of attacks from a China that places the military least of its four modernizations.
The US and China are neither friends nor foes
An American perception of China as intransigent and belligerent needs some scrutiny. China is inflexible when it is asked to abide by rules it has no part in writing.
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