Fenghuang in embraces peak tourist season  2012-07-12

Fenghuang in C China embraces peak tourist season.

Ancient buildings in 600-year-old village in C. China  2012-06-29

With a history of more than 600 years, Banliang Village is named "the First Village in South Hunan".

Taohuayuan (the Peach Blossom Land)  2012-01-30

Scenic Area Taohuayuan, a national AAAA scenic spot, is 15 kilometers southwest of Taoyuan county. It is famous because of the great prose entitled "Peach Blossom Spring" written by the great poet Tao Yuanming (365AD-427AD).

Liuye Lake Tourist Resort  2012-01-30

To the northeast of the ancient city of Changde is the Liuye Lake that is shaped like a willow leaf.

Sheltered Bridge in Longjin  2012-01-30

The sheltered bridge in the center of Zhijiang county is the longest sheltered bridge in the world. It has a wooden structure and was built in 1591 during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).

Meijiang River Scenic Area  2012-01-30

Situated in the northwest of the Lianyuan city, the Meijiang River Scenic Area has a hilly karst landform.

Mount Langshan Scenic Area  2012-01-30

Located in Xingning county, the scenic area has a large area covered with rock formations called "Crimson Glow" a rare topographic feature in the world.

Taohuajiang Forest Park  2012-01-30

Located about 30 kilometers from the county of Taohuajiang, the undulating mountains embrace the Taohua Lake and cover an area of over 467 hectares.

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