Qiliang Cave  2012-01-30

Located in Qiliangqiao town and five kilometers north of the Fenghuang (Phoenix) Ancient city, the Qiliang cave is a typical carbonate grotto characterized by grotesqueness, elegance and serenity.

The Southern Great Wall  2012-01-30

The Southern Great Wall is 10 kilometers away from the Fenghuang (Phoenix) Ancient city.

Former Residence of Mao Zedong  2012-01-30

Shaoshan, one of the four major revolutionary memorial lands of China, has been well known in the world because of Mao Zedong, a great leader of China.

Fuyan Temple  2012-01-30

Established by Master Huisi, Fuyan Temple is located at the foot of Zhibo Peak.

Hengshan Mountain  2012-01-30

Situated in Hengyang city, Hunan province, Hengshan Mountain is one of China's five sacred mountains. The mountain range runs 150 kilometers from Hengyang to Changsha. Of the 72 peaks, the most known renowned one is the Zhurong Peak.

Feitian Mountain scenic area  2012-01-30

Located 20 kilometers away from the downtown area of Chenzhou city, Feitian Mountain scenic area is a typical Karst landform. The red rocks covered with green trees are extraordinarily eye-catching.

Huxing Mountain -Huayao scenic area  2012-01-30

The Huxing Mountain -Huayao scenic area in Longhui county, Shaoyang city is one of the New Eight Grand Sights in Hunan province.

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