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China Daily Website

Community official demoted to temporary worker

Updated: 2013-11-18 19:28
By Huang Zhiling (

A female community official in Yunnan province was demoted to the rank of temporary worker because she wrote IOUs to two farmers, according to

Pan Fengqiong, chief of the section in charge of affairs pertaining to women in the Qingxi community in Zhong'an, Fuyuan county, received a total of 3,684 yuan ($600) from two farmers who contracted the mountain forests from 2008 to 2011, according to a whistle-blower online.

The whistle-blower said that the money found its way into Pan's pocket as she had written three IOUs to the two farmers instead of depositing the money in the public account.

Local authorities' investigation found the whistle-blower's allegation partly true. Pan had deposited 2,760 yuan she had received from a farmer into a public account rather than putting it in her own pocket.

Pan was punished with a demotion as the 924 yuan she received from one farmer had yet to be deposited, local authorities said.

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