BIZCHINA> voices
Zhao Jin's speech at the press conference
Updated: 2010-05-27 17:27

Jiangsu Provincial Government and Nanjing Municipal People's Government attach great importance to the 3rd China International Service Outsourcing Cooperation Conference and organized leading group.

Governor Luo Zhijun, vice governor Zhang Weiguo and Mayor of Nanjing Ji Jianye have studied and deployed the working plan. The officials of Department of Commerce of Jiangsu and, Council for International Investment Promotion of Jiangsu, and relevant officials of Nanjing Municipal government negotiated on the arrangement of the conference for several times.

At present, the preparation work proceeds smoothly. We will prepare the conference carefully and arrange everything considerately to ensure the success of the conference.

I want to extend my gratitude to friends in all fields of the society and press showing great concern on this conference.

I need the help and support of those friends. The friends from press are welcomed to cover the 3rd China International Service Outsourcing Cooperation Conference enthusiastically, positively and extensively.

Let's make joint efforts to promote the development of international service outsourcing industry and speed up the construction of service outsourcing belt in southern Jiangsu.

Thank you!

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