APUS founder excited by President Xi's cyberspace proposal

( ) Updated: 2015-12-16 22:11:28

Li Tao, founder and CEO of APUS, said he was excited by President Xi Jinping's proposal to "build a cyberspace community of shared destiny" in his speech at the 2nd World Internet Conference held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province.

Li said that to construct global network infrastructure and promote interconnectivity is essentially to bridge the information gaps between different countries.

Li said since its founding last year, APUS has been dedicated to promoting global communication by presenting China's Internet innovations and products to the outside world.

APUS, which provides mobile products for Android tablet and smart phone users, entered the Billion Dollar Startup Club of Wall Street Journal this year. Founded in 2014, it is the youngest of enterprises present at the 2nd World Internet Conference.

The 2nd World Internet Conference, held from Dec 16 to 18, has gathered together more than 2,000 participants, including state leaders, government officials, business leaders, Internet titans, and experts from more than 120 countries and regions.

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