Policies and Regulations

Chapter 1 Implementation of Trademark Strategy

Updated: 2010-04-22 15:41
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4. Prospect of Trademark Strategy Development in 2010

The year 2010 is the end year of the first stage of the Strategy, and also of the 11th National Five-Year Plan. In accordance with the Strategy, in the first stage the duties should be arranged, and the schedule and mechanism to finish the Strategy should be settled down.

It means the Strategywill formally enter an operation period after the first stage. So, in 2010 SAIC continues to work hard in following aspects: promote the revision of Trademark Law; complete the working mechanism for fulfill trademark strategy; fully clear out the backlog of trademark examination; establish a complete Geographical Indication protection system; organize more programs for publicizing the Trademark Strategy; and enforce supervision to trademark agents. So far, the first stage of implementing the Strategy has made satisfying progress. As China’s 12th Five-Year Plan starts from 2011, SAIC will work hard with formulating the trademark plan for next five years in 2010 guided by the Strategy and its goal to reach international level before 2012, and lay a solid foundation for the second stage of trademark work, a key period to turn China to be a trademark strong country.

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