Policies and Regulations

Chapter 1 Implementation of Trademark Strategy

Updated: 2010-04-22 15:41
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1-5 Supporting Trademark Strategy in Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Model Park.

According to Approval from State Council about Setting National Independent Model Model Park in Zhongguancun Scientific and Technological Area and Notice from SAIC on Supporting Zhongguancun Scientific and Technological Area to Set Up Independent Innovation Model Park, SAIC specifically set up a direct branch office of Trademark Office there, the first of such kind directly under SAIC headquarter since its resumption in 1978, according to Minister Zhou. The branch office was defined as a window to serve social, economic and scientific development, to protect IPR and to promote trademark strategy, as well as to supervise market order.

On November 5, 2009, Mr. Liu Qi, Secretary of Beijing Party Committee, as well as other senior leaders of Beijing government and SAIC attended its opening ceremony. On November 6, the branch office is officially open to the public. By the end of 2009, the branch office had received 1,425 trademark applications, one tenth of the applications filed directly to the Trademark Office in the same period of time; dealt with more than 100 businesses in the Zone about trademark matter; and sponsored 9 publicity events concerning trademark legal knowledge and relevant policies. So the branch office was thought not only geographically but also emotionally closer to companies. Mr. Zhou Bohua wrote on the second-term work report from the branch office, “The facts confirmed the SAIC‘s decision to set up the branch office is an correct and important measure to improve AICwork. Colleagues in the office should keep our responsibility in mind, work hard to serve hi-tech and innovative enterprises there to earn more honor for SAIC and to make further contribution to the construction of innovative country. ”

November 5th, the branch office of CTMO in Zhong Guan-cun National Innovation Model Park was formally established. Liu Qi, secretary of Beijing municipal Party committee, Guo Jinlong, Mayor of Beijing, SAIC Minister Zhou Bohua and Vice Minister Liu Yuting unveiled for the branch office.

Chapter 1 Implementation of Trademark Strategy

2. Organizing trademark publicity events to upgrade social awareness about the Trademark Strategy. In 2009 SAIC organized a series of events in April 26 IP PublicityWeek, including a press conference introducing One Million Trademark Registration & Examination in 2009, China Well-known Trademark Exhibition, Seminar on 20th Anniversary ofChina’s Joining in Madrid International Trademark System, Nation-wide Training Program on Trademark Strategy and Shanghai Expo Logo Protection for AIC system, WIPO Asia-Pacific Workshop on Geographical Indications as well as some other influential national and international activities.

In addition, the Trademark Office had actively taken part in 14 IP publicity events hosted by SAIC, other departments under SAIC and other ministry members of the National IP Strategy Inter-MinistryLiaison Conference, such as attending 3 coordinator meetings of the National IP Strategy Inter-MinistryLiaison Conference on behalf of SAIC, participating 3 press conferences organized by other ministries concerning China trademark protection, addressing at 8 IP forums and four-times introducing IP and trademark strategy on major Chinese media, such as CCTV.