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Zhongguancun Forum: Space for innovation

Experts, entrepreneurs discuss the 'new revolution' underway

Innovation drives economic growth

A national innovation demonstration zone, Haidian Science Park in Beijing has been China's leading incubator of high-tech industries since it was founded in 1988.

Haidian: Setting the standard in innovation

As a national innovation demonstration center, Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park has a mission to lead and drive the development of similar industrial parks across the nation, said Sun Wenkai, chief of the Haidian district government.

Beijing sells land at record high price

A Beijing land parcel has been sold at a price of more than 73,000 yuan ($11,928) per square meter of proposed construction during a land auction, setting a record high.

Nation's capital to boost innovation, enhance change of its growth model

The municipal government of Beijing has pledged to further advance innovation and high-end industries to improve the quality of the city's economy, which is undergoing restructuring.

Finding space to expand in a new world order

Belgium-based Oleon NV, a leading producer of oleochemicals - chemicals derived from plant and animal fats - in Europe, has the largest market share in Europe but it was only last year that it launched its first brand in China, with a team of just three people.

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