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Beijing comes out on top in PwC's list of cities' economic clout

Beijing wields more economic influence than other large cities, even more than Paris, London and New York, suggests a report.

Surge in Beijing tourism helping fuel the economy

Tourism in Beijing registered robust growth in the first quarter of this year, according to the city's tourism authority, with more than 43 million arrivals, a year-on-year increase of 9.3 percent.

Dialing into success

Yizhuang telecom base becomes vital cog in Nokia's global ambitions.

Capital aims for healthier, cleaner growth

Last year's bottom ranking in economic growth in China has not blunted Beijing's determination to bid farewell to GDP-oriented policies.

Beijing's home sales plummeted in 2011

Sales of both new and existing homes in Beijing plummeted in 2011 as a result of the government's efforts to cool down the runaway property market.

Beijing to raise minimum wage 8.6%

Beijing will hike the minimum monthly wage by 8.6 percent starting January 1, 2012, to help attract laborers facing rapidly rising living costs, a local official said Thursday.

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