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Beijing consumers spent 2.34b yuan in New Year break

The chilly weather in Beijing did not cool down consumption in the three-day New Year break.

Pre-owned house sales in Beijing at 23-month high

Sales of pre-owned homes in Beijing reached a 23-month high in December, due to shrinking supply and some panic buying.

Beijing marks New Year with shopping spree

Beijing's major commercial outlets started the year 2013 with a business boom as shopping prevailed over travels as citizens' favorite activity during the New Year holiday.

Non-manufacturing sector continues to improve

The Purchasing Managers Index of China's non-manufacturing sector was 56.1 percent in December, up 0.5 percentage points from November.

Beijing vegetable farmers look to the future

Sun Xiaoming from Zengjiawan village in Caofeidian is a member of a vegetable farmers' association. The association buys vegetable seeds and fertilizers at wholesale prices and sells the resultant produce to dealers at a higher price.

Beijing street to be duty-free haven

Beijing is considering making a city neighborhood often called "Russia Town" its first downtown duty-free shopping area.

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