6 effective traditional Chinese medicines for COVID-19
6. XuanFeiBaiDu Granule (宣肺败毒颗粒)

Xuanfeibaidu Granule, with 13 herbal components, originates from several classic traditional recipes.
It can detoxify the lungs and clear dampness and heat, and is used for treating light and moderate patients. Research has shown the prescription can shorten the time it takes for clinical symptoms to vanish and temperature to return to normal, and can effectively prevent light and moderate patients from deteriorating.
Recommended prescription: 6g shengmahuang (生麻黄, or raw ephedra), 15g kuxingren (苦杏仁, or bitter apricot kernel), 30g shengshigao (生石膏, or gypsum), 30g shengyiyiren (生薏苡仁, or raw coix seed), 10g maocangzhu (茅苍术, or lance atractylodes rhizome), 15g guanghuoxiang (广藿香, or patchouli), 12g qinghaocao (青蒿草, or southernwood), 20g huzhang (虎杖, or polygonum cospidatum), 30g mabiancao (马鞭草, oreuropean verbena), 30g ganlugen (干芦根, or dried phragmites communis), 15g tinglizi (葶苈子, or lepidium seed), 15g huajvhong (化橘红, or pummelo peel), 10g shenggancao (生甘草, or raw licorice)
Suggested use: 1 dose per day, boiled with 400 ml water, twice a day at morning and evening.
Source: National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Cao Zinan and Zhao Shiyue contributed to the story.
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