Xi's speech to shed light on priorities of China-Europe ties
2014-04-01 08:23
President Xi Jinping's visit to Europe is an opportune time for China to showcase its "new openness" in diplomatic initiatives, said Jorg Monar, rector of the College of Europe in Bruges.
Growing cooperation the trend
2014-03-31 07:30
During his trip to Europe, President Xi Jinping has attended the Nuclear Security Summit in the Netherlands and delivered a speech about the Chinese Dream in the headquarters of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in Paris, France, and he has also visited several European countries with his wife Peng Liyuan.
Leader's love of soccer scores big points
2014-03-30 08:11
Chinese President Xi Jinping's interest in soccer and concerns about the sport's development have helped him forge a man-of-the-people style that connects with the public.
Positive energy of China
2014-03-28 06:57
As President Xi said equal emphasis needs to be placed on the development and security of nuclear power
Special friends, win-win partners
2014-03-27 08:51
President Xi Jinping articulates comprehensive Sino-French partnership on 50th anniversary of establishing diplomatic ties
Grandeur and centrality lift global renaissance
2014-03-26 08:03
President Xi Jinping's visit to France while the two countries commemorate the 50th anniversary of their diplomatic relations is an invitation to put the bilateral relationship into perspective.
Xi's visit to open new chapter with France
2014-03-25 14:41
On his first European tour as Chinese President, Xi Jinping will visit France, 50 years after diplomatic relations were established between the two countries.
Xi-Obama talks frank, constructive: Chinese FM spokesman
2014-03-25 06:51
Chinese President Xi Jinping and his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama held their first meeting this year here on Monday, which the Chinese side hailed as frank and constructive.
Japan has nuclear weapons capability
2014-03-24 08:28
While the world is wondering what the 2014 Nuclear Security Summit, held on Monday and Tuesday in The Hague, the Netherlands, will achieve, Tokyo is busy working on a draft statement, due to be considered in a nuclear disarmament meeting in Hiroshima next month, aimed at urging China to engage in nuclear arms reduction talks with the United States and Russia. As a driving force behind the efforts to pressure China, Japan is choosing to ignore the gap between the size of China's nuclear arsenal and those of the US and Russia, which are by far the largest in the world.
Comment: EU-China relations
2014-03-24 08:28
President Xi Jinping arrived in the Netherlands on Saturday to begin his first trip to European Union since taking office more than a year ago.
Nuclear security a priority
2014-03-24 08:01
Four years ago, under the initiative of US President Barack Obama, the first Nuclear Security Summit was held in Washington D.C., which set in motion the nuclear security summit process.
An evolving parntership for progress
2014-03-21 10:24
Europe is a priority for China's diplomacy. While it is chic to talk about the shifting balance of power, Europe to many Chinese is still a synonym of developed world and high standard of living.