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Former NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden revealed the massive US global surveillance program.

  • Snowden denies he got help from Russia in leaking

    2014-01-22 11:12

    Former US spy agency contractor Edward Snowden said he acted alone in leaking US government secrets and that suggestions by some US lawmakers he might have had help from Russia were "absurd," the New Yorker magazine reported on Tuesday.

  • Snowden: mission already accomplished

    2013-12-24 19:20

    The former National Security Agency contractor who disclosed the agency's secrets told the Washington Post that his mission is "accomplished".

  • German lawmaker meets Snowden in Moscow

    2013-11-01 11:09

    A German opposition lawmaker on Thursday met Edward Snowden in Moscow to explore the possibility of having him assist Germany's inquiry into alleged US spying on German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

  • Mexico demands US response over spying

    2013-10-17 07:25

    The Mexican government is demanding a "clear and precise" answer from the United States for allegedly spying on President Enrique Pena Nieto, Foreign Minister Jose Antonio Meade said on Tuesday.

  • Guardian star reporter leaves paper for 'dream' project

    2013-10-17 07:25

    Glenn Greenwald, the Guardian reporter who broke many of the stories about secret US surveillance programs, said on Tuesday he is leaving the British daily for an unspecified "dream" project.

  • Edward Snowden meets father in Russia

    2013-10-12 14:39

    Fugitive US intelligence whistleblower Edward Snowden has met with his father in Russia, local media said Friday.

  • Snowden's father flies to Russia, hopes to see son

    2013-10-10 16:27

    Former US spy agency contractor Edward Snowden's father arrived in Moscow on Thursday and said he hopes to see his son.

  • Snowden downloaded NSA secrets while working for Dell

    2013-08-16 10:58

    Former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden began downloading documents describing the US government's electronic spying programs while he was working for Dell Inc in April 2012, almost a year earlier than previously reported.

  • Snowden's father to leave for Russia soon

    2013-08-12 07:27

    The father of Edward Snowden, the fugitive former US spy agency contractor, has received a Russian visa and will travel there shortly to see his son, he and his lawyer said on Sunday.

  • Chilly talks expected for US, Russia

    2013-08-10 09:14

    Syria, arms control and missile defense headline what are expected to be chilly talks between US and Russian officials, a sit-down tainted by the case of US National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden.

  • Snowden case not worth hurting Russia-US relations

    2013-08-08 21:51

    Russia's granting of temporary amnesty to former US spy agency contractor Edward Snowden should not be allowed to affect Moscow-Washington ties, a Russian lawmaker said Thursday.

  • Obama cancels meeting with Russia's Putin:official

    2013-08-07 21:39

    US President Barack Obama is cancelling his planned meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin scheduled for next month in Moscow.

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